Overlord Academy


NOVA SAYS: I think this page took me the longest that a page has taken me in months. I blame all of the backgounds. Well, I'm pretty happy with the result, so I won't complain. And yes, Thae's alive. Sorry to ruin the suspense! XD By the way, there won't be a strip next week due to the holidays. I'll also be taking January 6th off because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out, and I don't think you want to see the kind of strip I'd end up drawing under those circumstances. Both times, there will be some sort of bonus material and a new voting reward, however, so please do check back!

Haha, I had fun with this. These two are mostly too polite and/or stoic to say stuff like this to each other in real life, so it was fun to poke around in their heads a little, even if it's just bonus crack!art.