Overlord Academy


NOVA SAYS: Oh, Hiro. Man, you guys, I missed drawing A-san faces these past couple of weeks. Remember, there won't be a new comic next week, because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out, but there will be a new voting reward and some sort of filler! By the way, I've added some filler art and one of the concomics to the Bonus Art page. I hadn't realized I'd gone so long without updating it! If I'm sufficiently conscious in my post-surgery downtime, I may make a few changes to the site in the next couple of weeks, as well.

On that note, please take the time to fill out this poll. It won't take a minute! I know we did a similar poll a while back, but because we've had so many readers and new characters since then, we thought it would be good to do another. Thank you for your help!

Thae sent me a link to this article in an email that simply read "This was a terrible idea, Nova." I couldn't help it. This was the first image that popped into my mind. And yes, that is Miko loli. Please excuse the background as artistic license. I know the billboard's not in a big, grassy field like that!